netgalley profile example

Here are a few Dos and Don'ts for your NetGalley profile, and 10 Things You Should Include in Your NetGalley Profile -- brought to you by We Are Bookish, NetGalley's editorial blog for members. There are wonderful authors and books that I would love to review. You have the option to make this email address hidden or visible to publishers. That does not affect my opinion or the review in any way. for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type. Of course, if you can swing some book reviews, all the better. Now dont forget to go read Lucys post about how to use Edelweiss, as well as the other posts I listed in this guide! Then you want to get on to the good stuff, the bits the publishers are reallyinterested in where you will share your reviews and how many people will see them. Having your work on another persons blog lends you social credit that will impress people looking for reviews, especially if theyre familiar with that blogger. Everything you could possibly want to know about using NetGalley, youll find right here in this post. Indicate if you are a member of a professional organization, such as a state or regional teacher's association. Find Titles; You can read. By sharing your favorite authors, you can help provide an even better understanding of the types of books within those Categories you most enjoy. Sorry for the late response Anne! Consider making it visible so that if publishers ever have a question or want to work with you on a specific campaign, they can reach out! And Lenora Bell's Facebook group let you give your email and be invited to read LOVE IS A ROGUE, which was so worth it, ReadNow - this is like 90% of my books, I just browse the ReadNow and look for interesting things. Publishers make digital review copies and audiobooks available for the NetGalley community to discover, request, read, and review. Thousands of authors and publishers use NetGalley, and hundreds of thousands of reviewers. Taking on more titles than you can handle may cause you to miss deadlines and degrade your feedback ratio. But how does NetGalley work exactly, and is it worth signing up as a reader and reviewer? Make sure to include the date you pulled your stats so its clear to a publisher how recent those numbers are. If youre a Reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. Publishers pay even more to list multiple books, including a set-up fee and a monthly subscription fee. , No worries, Im glad it was useful for you . Sorry for the slow reply to this, I always just copy and paste exactly! Now, we're taking a look at how to review our new favorite format: audiobooks! I currently have XXXfollowers. So following all that, the question is: should you sign up to NetGalley as a reviewer? So that is 5 in one week. If youre not comfortable sharing your own photo, use the official brand logo from your bookstore, library, or school. what makes this blogger special? Thanks so much for sharing with us. Its true that NetGalley is one of very few publicly accessible routes to those precious ARCs (i.e. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. thanks for the tips. Maybe thats why I get rejected a lot haha. which categories you prefer. Stats And I just requested stuff and eventually got my first approval. About to post my first review on NetGalley next week!! A lot of the time, this is a really easy decision! I need a bio. Many of the top Publishers and indie presses list advance digital copies of their upcoming . A little bit of everything! Sign In I love using ReadNow to find books I wouldn't have encountered otherwise, I don't mind not getting advance copies of the huge buzzy books because I know my library will buy them anyway, but ReadNow has helped me find some indie or small press authors I've really taken to. I am retired, and live in a rural setting. But, I would like to believe that the authors and publishers would be interested in reviews by people that buy or borrow their books and just read for enjoyment. requests a title from a publisher via Netgalley, that publisher has to go through by hand and approve each request. Your Profile includes a section titled Where I Share Reviews. This is a crucial place to provide links to any websites or social media where you share your book reviews, the media outlets where you cover books, or the bookstore, library, or school where youre employed. She has kindly agreed to help out our #NewBloggers group by posting one! Hey Zuky! Those are all things that should be included in your Netgalley profile, and which will encourage publishers to think, THIS is the kind of person I want to have reading our advance digital galleys.. So, what does a top-notch professional bio look like? I am starting to post my book reviews on Netgalley, but Im noticing that they arent separating into paragraphs and are just combining all togetherwhich looks ugly. You may even reach a point of being auto-approved by certain authors and publishers, which means you can read their titles straight away. elem.remove(); Set a calendar reminder to revisit your Profile every few months. Below, I've curated some of the best real professional bio examples I've ever seen on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the various websites. So aim for quality, not quantity. And youre done. This can mean the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. Your email address will not be published. Is there any reason you don't leave reviews on GR for those less than 4 stars? Many of these reviewers are experienced professionals such as journalists, bloggers, and educators. There are six member types on NetGalley (reviewer, book trade professional, librarian, bookseller, educator, journalist or member of the media) and publishers have different goals for working with each one. First, youll need to wade through a deluge of other titles some interesting, some not-so-much to prove youre a committed and high-quality reviewer. If I DNFed, I say why. Last time, we talked about when you should start requesting ARCs (advance reader copies) at all, and today? First Second uses Netgalley theyre a galley service that lets people request advance digital copies of our graphic novels (and other peoples graphic novels and prose books). That's why We Are Bookish's Kelly Gallucci interviewed Estelle Hallick, Publicity and Marketing Manager at Forever, about her process for managing requests, and her advice to members looking to improve their profiles. Your post has given me some help; however, I have no stats, dont have a blog, dont have a website, dont have anything. Do I still need to include it in the bio? Thank you fo sharing. Thank you so much for writing this! And even if youre not a member of the American Library Association (or something similarly official), there are lots of things you could already be doing that signal to a publisher that you are the kind of person who has the power to convince others to buy copies of a book. Edelweiss can be a challenge for some, cause its not simply a requesting platform its also a platform where book sellers get books and publishers release their upcoming books catalog! Most authors and publishers who put books on NetGalley are after one thing (well, two things): reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, where other readers actually spend their time. In the past, we've shared general tips for writing book reviewsand advice for writing critical book reviews. social media links are nice, but both NetGalley and Edelweiss have special spots to fill them into, so if the bio repeats them? I love to read! is something that sometimes (moderately often) pops up as the single sentence (or the leading sentence) in a review copy request. Our suggestion to members is to keep their Feedback ratio close to 80%, meaning that for every 10 titles they are approved to read, they provide feedback for . (My first one was from Berkley (publisher), and I love them, so I was excited.) Press J to jump to the feed. I Review everything I rate 4 or 5 stars. If youre a bookseller whos a member of the ABA, a librarian whos a member of the ALA, someone who the publishing staff person knows professionally, the answer is obviously yes. NetGalley reports are an incredibly useful tool for a publisher using the site. Glad youre visiting! Do you run a book club? I have a huge passion for reading. Do you review audiobooks as well as print/e-books? Also unlike NetGalley, reviewers on Discovery have the opportunity to receive monetary tips from readers though of course, its still free to sign up. . I hope I can get that opportunity. I had to add HTML codingweird. I saw some people saying you can just have a Goodreads account and get approved. but I have about 4 friends on there and have only been using it for reviews kind of to myself, so not exactly quality. AvalinahsBooks receives books for free for review: Opinions are my own, but I sometimes get books for review in exchange for my opinion (for free). Favorite Authors Librarians, booksellers, and educators: make sure to indicate if you are a member of any professional associations. Loved reading your Tips!! Your Bio is the perfect place to share this information with publishersas long as youre comfortable, of course! I am honest on my feedback. This will help publishers to notice you when they are reviewing your requests, and to make sure you are a legitimate reviewer. All Rights Reserved. Book recommendations come in many forms, and its helpful for publishers to see if the books they approve you for may also end up in a listicle, Booktube video, Bookstagram picture, or more! When you request there, you have the option to share why you're requesting a specific book, so that could possibly boost your chances. After being approved for a book, you can either download a protected PDF or send the galley proof to your Kindle. Consider making it visible so that if publishers ever have a question or want to work with you on a specific campaign, they can reach out. As for Edelweiss while it does not have a ratio as such, its still not good overloading yourself with books, as youll struggle and might even have to join myState of the ARC meme or #ARCsAnonymous group to keep up with your stack. Youll be asked what appeals to you about this book: author, cover, description, or I just keep hearing about it!. Do you review audiobooks as well as print/e-books? To become a NetGalley member, all you have to do is sign up. Change). Join our powerful community to discover debut authors, future bestsellers, and indie favorites--and help books succeed. This is very helpful! Glad youre visiting! NetGalley is technically free to join as a reader/reviewer. In general, getting approved for a book via NetGalley is much more likely than getting a physical ARC of that same book. You can either Review or Give Feedback. When she's not working, Kelly can be found color coordinating her bookshelves, eating Chipotle, and watching way too many baking shows. Typos and links that arent working can be a sign of a lack of attention to detail, so be sure to give your Bio a final proofread every time you update it. Chances are, youll want the profile youre reading to be: The list could go on, but I think this is roughly it. NetGalley helps publishers and authors promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. Did you know that there are over 130 Stephen King short stories in existence? Founded in 2008, NetGalley began gaining serious traction a few years later, buoyed by the rising tide of Goodreads and similar review sites. My holiday was wonderful, thank you! . Maintaining the 80% feedback ratio can also get pretty tiring, especially if you already have a busy schedule. Once youve registered with NetGalley and filled out your profile, you can start discovering books right away. Even with them, I still read the blurb if it's something I know I'll enjoy, rather than pick something just because. Amazon: Once published, I will post my reviews to Amazon. If I DNFed, I say why. Thank you so much for this advice! ALT. , and the information there can help to shape what you share in your Profile. When you request books on NetGalley, publishers will see the ABA logo near your name, allowing them to easily identify you as a confirmed ABA member. Thank you so much for all the advice! and share what you like in your profile/bio. Once youve submitted your feedback, you can request more proofs, and the whole cycle begins anew. I enjoyed mangas and graphic humor books (I got a lot of books from comic artists I follow on IG). I think they want you to have an 80% review rate? Book Blogger Etiquette: How To Get Comments? Make sure you mention where those reviews appear and any places you cross-post your NetGalley reviews. Join For Free! If youre picking up ten new books a week and rushing to review them, you might build up a decent reputation but youll soon find yourself hating the work, and your reviews will start to sound churned-out and dull. Are there any example profiles available to look at for best practices examples? If youre a reviewer, clearly state where your reviews appear. This is me if anyone wants more friends! Just what I was looking for! Now I am off to update my bio. I use NetGalley. This is especially true if you find yourself requesting books from the same publishers time and again. Your reviews can help an unknown author find their audience. Try to stick to 3-5 authors to keep things simple. Ive also included a bit in mine to say that I make it a point to post reviews prior to publication date or as requested by publishers. You can also scout out some book review blogs to see if anyones looking for freelance pieces. Including not-as-relevant things like that may just distract a publisher from the fact that you are in fact a person who should be given an advance review copy of their book especially if theyre getting 50+ review copy requests via Netgalley every day that they then have to go through one by one. Plus, set a recurring reminder for yourself to update those stats on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc). Do they champion a cause? Nicole @ FYFA To The Rescue! theres no need for industry connections). I just wanted to make a sort of follow up post after the anti-piracy thread regarding Netgalley. If youre a new reviewer whos apprehensive about the scale and competitiveness of NetGalley, wed recommend starting a bit smaller. Think about your Profile like a resume, and keep your Bio professional and succinct. When I first started on Netgalley, I really had no idea on what I should write in my bio area. Make sure your links work. Youll receive an email when your request is approved or declined, which usually happens within a few days. Narrowing it down shows publishers youre serious, and improves your own experience as well; this way, youll only read genres you actually like! I am 90 years old and love reading mysteries and reviewing them. (Have you noticed theres a message at the bottom, saying that you should rather leave links in the links section than in the text? Thanks and yes, they dont really give you much of an indication of what you should put in the bio! As a reader I want more of those from people reviewing from ARC's. While your Bio should be professional and succinct, your linked blog and social media channels are the best way to stand out and show off your vibrant personality. As soon as youre ready to share your thoughts, navigate back to the books NetGalley page and click on the purple Give Feedback button in the upper-right corner. Become an influencer in your genre and grow your following. While throwing glitter is always awesome, Im not sure theyve implemented that the Edelweiss or NetGalley profile systems yet. Nicole has blogged about starting out on NetGalley before and you should also read that post for further info! That 80% figure is no joke; authors and publishers rarely approve reviewers with spotty feedback histories. (LogOut/ Not a Member? I blog about all sorts of topics in books , The Greatest Book Blogging Myths Ive Encountered, Real Publicist Advice On How To Get Review Copies Approved, #NewBloggers 101 comes back! and thank you!! Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. ), I had no idea there was an age thing?! I have looked at peoples profiles, and found them pretty much the same as mine, with the one key difference theirs is riddled with links and numbers. tab), so theres no need to list them again in your Bio. Yes! Booksellers can add their ABA member ID number to their NetGalley profile. The registration form is pretty standard: username, password, email, etc. All Rights Reserved. Sign up for the the First Second newsletter to receive updates and other information about Macmillan Publishers books, products, and services that may be of interest to you. Read thread below. Curious where else you can flex your mad reviewing skills? Ive had an account but had NO idea how to set it upepic fail. , Glad you could use it to update your bio! Where I promote and post my reviews are as follows: Blog: I have a book blog called BookBum, started in Jan 2017, where I review everything I read and then post to Twitter. Alas.). Home of the magic search button and endless book recommendations as well as discussions about tropes and characters, Author AMAs, book clubs, and more. Booksellers who enter their ABA numbers are generally approved more quickly and often (including being auto-approved). As for the profile, if it says anything other than Excellent, click on the little pencil symbol beside it. NetGalley recommends a feedback ratio of 80% or above, meaning that for every 10 proofs you receive, you should give feedback on at least 8 of them. Join For Free! I Review everything I rate 4 or 5 stars. This helps to ensure youre sharing the most accurate information about your job, social media statistics, and reading preferences. I have another question for ya! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Learn more about our use of cookies: Cookie Policy. Takes 30 seconds! The best books can go undiscovered. One thing I forgot to mention, but have now added, is that remember to update your stats reasonably often to keep everything up to date . To maximize your chances of picking up good titles right off the bat, theres one thing you need to do: write some other stuff before you join. (LogOut/ Add your school's website. , talk about the type of content that you create. When she's not working, Kelly can be found color coordinating her bookshelves, eating Chipotle, and watching way too many baking shows. They all look very good and interesting. NetGalley was developed as an alternative to the production of paper galleys and has since evolved into a key marketing and publicity platform for publishers and authors. This is what I wonder about, because I don't use social media. Your Bio can help to give publishers insight into your role and how you can best work with them. This can mean the department you work in, the events or programs you plan, any purchasing youre in charge of, the outlets youve written for, and more. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Make sure to include the date you pulled your stats so its clear to a publisher how recent those numbers are. And what if we dont have an impressive follower base? Dont: Forget to update your Profile throughout the year Including important stats about your platforms, such as average monthly pageviews to your blog or social media reach, is helpful for publishers.,,,, No, but lets get serious here. Thank you so much! Do you pick up the occasional shift for your local bookstore? I do not work in any facet of the publishing world. Looking forward to finding some great books. This is so helpful. I bet you could add several from those! Get started by signing in or joining for free. Simple, huh. If you have a blog or other form of bookish social media, talk about the type of content that you create. Ive already contacted them about that but have never received a response. for more insight into what you should include in your Profile based on your member type. I receive XXX average monthly visitors, and XXX average monthly pageviews. What you need to keep in mind when requesting, though, isto not let it get out of hand. I fixed mine so its all good! Do: Talk about your member type Your Bio is the perfect place to share this information with publishersas long as youre comfortable, of course! Sign In Remember Me on This Computer Need help signing in?

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netgalley profile example