are glocks safe to carry chambered

Introduced in 2012, the Shield is thinner and lighter than the M&P Compact and features an improved trigger. Sad, isnt it? People who dont carry with a round in the chamber have no training. It will catch on and you will be a rock star! I hope r.i.p is on your tombstone if you fail in a confrontation. Not a bad plan. 3 your support hand may not be available. If you are a dumb person who cannot immediately see why it is dumb, go to Youtube and watch dumb people like you dying in a hail of bullets while they struggle with the slides on their unchambered guns. Agree with the author 100%. Often, its holstering the gun into a holster that compromised by clothing. Discharge during take down? They claimed that the officer didnt purposefully pull the trigger, but he just twitched from his heart beating fast and the gunshot an unarmed innocent man. The finger does not go in the trigger guard until Im ready to fire. Just go to there web site, or go to your gun store for more information. The firearm entered Austrian military and police service by 1982 after becoming the top performer in reliability and safety tests.. Glock pistols have become the company's most profitable line of products, and have been supplied to . Fat troll. And you should be, too. For myself I carry an HK P30sk with the double action hammer in the down position and the manual safety on. Hell you pour sand down MY ass crack and I'll jam up and and fail to extract Ive carried different glocks with a round chambered in iwb/owb holsters and never had a problem with it. Not too long ago, we posted an article (by me!) If one wishes to carry sans a round in the chamber. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. There are a lot of older pistols manufactured without a drop safety feature. You could also chamber a snap cap, holster it, do your daily routine around the house and then check if trigger was pulled. I'd recommend a Hard Kydex holster like a comp-tac infidel. My G19 pull is about 4-1/2# about the same as a lot of 1911 guns. If anybody could advise me, I'd be grateful. Sound off in the comments! Here's video that GLOCK produced that explains the trigger safety. I now carry without it, with one in the pipe. Well, technically, you could also just not drop them I suppose. If the pin has enough mass, it will fire the round, chambered or not, hammer blocked or not, trigger pulled or not, out-of-battery safeties, etc. Or even sex. Whats the controversy? Been reading the thread here on this topic, since we all have an O I quite agree with your spot on comment Sir. In non service activities, all occurred either nearly cheek to cheek, face to face, or less than 3 ft. when chit went south, and it happens so fast, Id bet few if any pro operators could rack then stack em Clinging to God and guns. 29 July 2022 by srnoj. Let's talk about wh. In war or a defensive situation, that will get you killed. Do u know what the 21 foot rule is? I'm not exactly a diehard with pistol-caliber carbines but I definitely enjoy them. Guns in my bigger safe are in condition 3 (AR rifles and defensive shotguns), except for my SAA revolvers are empty as I dont consider them as a defensive weapon (my hunting rifles and shotguns are empty too), mainly because both have 8 1/2 barrels and were used for silhouette shooting when I was younger. The Glock trigger is too light and too short to be safe, and I understand Glocks are way far overrepresented in the annals of ND, which is very easy to understand. Unfortunately, some may not and I have no idea which do and which do not. Training happens every time we do something, no matter if its shooting, driving, or eating. Farago sells out, the site gets taken over by snowflakes who spend every minute lining up sponsored content, and the content section gets taken over by trolls and vlads. When all else fails eat a mucho big bowl of butter beans and a hand full of BBs that should put a whole new meaning to Kiss my a$$. None of those things make any difference at all. The engineer who designed a take down system whereby the slide has to be forward and you have to pull the trigger must have on that day tripped out on LSD. . As long as you use some sort of holster that covers the trigger, and keep your finger out of the trigger area, leave the 19 in the holster, unless its needed, you wont have a problem. IOWs, pathetic sheeple. Usually I just get to see Colt SAAs with 16 chamber cylinders. The same as SJWs or those who suffer from TDS. This is why. The Glock if it came under the Governments Consumer Safety Council would never have been allowed on the market. I have these 2 hidden and had mounted in my house. Any striker fired pistol that doesnt incorporate some type of manual safety has the same chance of a ND as a Glock. Of course theres a difference between driving and shooting. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Someone who wants to spend a couple thou on a gun should be more than willing to put the energy into learning how to use it safely. Maybe you just fumble finger the Glock when its out of the holster being put in a lockbox or on the counter at the range. The priming compound could care less WHAT hits it, so long as the blow has sufficient energy to activate the explosive charge in the primer, it will detonate. Its your right to self defense. Amen brother. The 16 chamber cylinder is specifically a reference to Kevin Costner in Open Range. Im still getting comfortable with carrying, and Ill take an unchambered gun over one at home in the safe any day. That doesnt mean you can ever fool around with one. Glocks are designed with internal safety features to prevent accidental discharge. True dat. Carried chambered until the kids came. when I was in the Harris County, Texas courts, I saw many LEOs that had semi-auto pistols with one in the chamber and the hammer cocked and the holster strap between the hammer and the slide. You cant just twitch and accidentally shoot one. Muscle memory is a life saver when things go adrenaline slow MO mode, and those Taurus, PT-111s, have that thumb safety where Im used to one being, the pipe is red hot, and, eyeball to eyeball, it will fire again without re-racking the rear sights on someones nose. She had the edge, rock steady hands of a brain surgeon. I submit never. There is one thing very different between handling a car and handling a weapon a 4000 pound vehicle traveling at 62mph carries over half a million foot pound of energy vs ~350ft/lbs out of your little 9mm or .45 pea shooter. Theyre both safe and useful within their own parameters, and people are free to choose the one they prefer. She was brave. These Glocks have been beat to death and not once has the gun " fired " without some sort of trigger manipulation. Many of us brought this issue up at the time Farago sold out. If you liked this article, you might be interested in one I wrote all about Glocks Safe Action System. I always wanted to see in a western someone who knew he was about to get into a gunfight slip that 6th round into his Colt SAA. Appendix carry, when performed with the right holster and a trained hand, is perfectly safe, and that includes your Glock 19 handgun. B.D. But, on the bright side, ammoland just revamped their comment section so comments now dont take days/never to show up. Its a toughy. They said that it was the fault of Glocks having a super light trigger. Mr. Hoober, the only quibble I have with this article is the assumption that people only have a (as in singular) home defense gun. on second thought I dont wanna know. Modern shooter often often dont want to fiddle with something complex. PS: I have never had an ND with my EDC G23 chamber loaded these past 22 years. The graveyards are full of former motorcycle riders and Glock users. Firearm experts, including myself, consider the design completely safe and dependable. I can cycle the bolt almost as fast as I can take the safety off, even when I stepped on a black bear who was sleeping under a downed tree. When I carry a semiautomatic pistol for self defense, the chamber is loaded and the safety is on. As I commented after the previous article, carry so that all you have to do is draw and pull the trigger. It appears to me that Darwin and his theory of evolution is again being ignored, if you are dumb enough to carry without forethought, please ace yourself before you breed. Ive dropped a loaded Glock once, actually the only pistol Ive ever dropped in my life. Length: 7.3. I carry all my guns chambered. For my "duty firearm", I carry a Glock Mod 22 Gen 4 (.40 S&W cal.). While holstering, train yourself to make damn sure theres nothing in the way. One or two chances to mess up with an empty chamber, but thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of chances to ventilate your own leg while taking a piss. They didnt know. This debate has been going on for years.. which side are you on? There are lots of better choices out there than the glock. So you have no quibble with the line; If dropped, the hammer could contact the primer and therefore, fire., in relation to SA revolvers? We were assured that; were working on it. Unfortunately, the safety is on the wrong side of the slide for me so I dont use it. Many competition shooters boast about having it done to their race gun. They say tomato, I say Condition 1 Sound off in the comments. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to You hit the nail on the head with "comfortable", but that is subjective. Mad about covers it. What you are overlooking is the odds. Also, had a KelTec with a pocket clip, no holster, ever, and a Glock 40 with a clip draw, and you just need the brains to have nothing else in your carry pocket, and you wont have an issue. Hm. Therefore, its unsafe(ish) to carry or store with one in the chamber. It is a compact pistol that is chambered in 9mm and is designed for concealed carry. I ran a corner thru the trigger and around the other side up the grip. Training is nothing more than repetition. Hire someone who did it on other blogs. In the past, I've heard people say they aren't comfortable carrying a loaded firearm on them or want to just scare people away. No thanks. Come on, Gov, you know better than that. Do you supposes THIS guy knows the six letter word for a firearms dangerous end? -John Muir. Consider this, if everyone carried a weapon in condition 3, how many mass shootings would there be? Doesnt come into play until youve already fired 5 times. Stop buying Glocks. While I agree its better to have a round in the chamber, I dont, not at the moment. For all those terrified at Condition One semi-autos, a percentage carried hunting shotguns afield for upland game and waterfowl every one with the . On Amazon, they run about $35 just sans the NRA stamped door. Capacity: 15 rounds. While millions of Americans keep and/or bear GLOCKs and GLOCK-like striker-fired pistols without mishap, mishaps do sometimes occur.Let's face it: the average gun owner has lousy trigger discipline. Ive done this quite a bit when rabbit hunting. More solid irrefutable proof that the Glock is an accident waiting to happen. Practice holstering and unholstering without a round and see if the trigger is pulled. /sarc off/. (I don't think any of us are going to try to pocket carry a 1911 or a Glock 17.) It's a small handgun that is easy to carry, chambered for a very powerful cartridge, and priced so a working man can easily afford it. I have yet to find a dumb ass vaccine. Odds of the shooter getting 4 shots off would be pretty low. At Incognito Concealment, we're confident we have the right holster for you. I think the Glock leg argument is kinda straying off into another argument, that could be a good idea for its own article. I think the controversy is whether or not a loaded magazine with an empty chamber constitutes an unloaded gun. Now getting older, I have trouble with body positions for competitions, so I dont enter very many club competitions anymore. If you 're considering a Glock handgun, make sure you have an armorer or gunsmith install it before trying to customize it. If you try to have a healthy debate its always 100% of the time NOTHING but internet people telling other internet people that their particular opinion is wrong. They're fun, handy, and can be very practical. The are a couple videos out there showing issues with holsters (kydex included) where bending or twisting caused a discharge. As for me on striker fired Im sure they are just as safe as any other design I just like to see whats going on, . We can talk about the merits of being able to shoot effectivly one handed. So when do you get to be a klutz if youve taken the time to train those reactions until as the experts say you not only get it right, you cant get it wrong? I actually think thats worth a healthy debate and article all on its own. to all you sanctimonious what iffers and self styled know it alls out there: What I want then is a big bang noise when I pull the trigger, and not much else. Just that for most every use, there are other choices that are better. If you did not realize the design is dangerous, you would not have spent so much time belaboring the obvious. I got two strikers, finally, couple years ago, a 9mm and a 40. Ive said it once, Ill say it again. The Israelis do it because they had to come up with a training procedure that worked for all their soldiers, including those that dont know which is the end that goes bang. But now at my age I know me and I know my weapons and youll be gambling with your life if you engage me thinking you know whether there is one in the chamber. When carrying the gun in a holster, the grip safety will keep the gun from discharging, even if the . and yes i train and rehearse that As someone from MS you gotta tell me where this full auto shoot was. I had the same concerns when I first started to carry my Glock. gun owner would not have a clue on how the gun actually worked or how dangerous it was to handle and carry because what a Moron cannot see a Moron does not fear. The internal Safe Action System will not allow the pistol to go off accidentally. And, sorry youre a confused fool. I carry a LC9, no problem. Wouldnt it be actually quicker to rack the slide than to retrieve your weapon from a locked box? Either you will practice with chambered, or chamber empty. What kind of a moron thought THAT was a good idea? Your taste is in your ass., Your brains (what little you have) are in your ass. So, there are at least 2 actions required to get a round to fire after removing it from a pocket. Does the gun have a firing block mechanism. Is A Glock Safe To Carry Chambered. Ehall my pistolas are chambered with the safety engaged-at home. The hammer snagged on a branch, and he shot his horse (he was twisted by the tree). Risk vs benefit should ALWAYS be a part of this decision. The Glock is a semi-automatic pistol that was originally designed by an Austrian manufacturer called Glock Ges.m.b.H in 1982. To chamber or not to chamber? These arent exactly the most concealable guns out there. I could be ELI2016 if I wanted to. Barrel: 4.5. I have no problem with a 1911 locked and loaded, there has been one in my car since I bought it in 2010. Some extras, just in case one breaks? Because they have no external safety, Glocks are quicker to draw and fire. A revolver with an empty chamber under the hammer IS ready to fire. Glock handguns are extremely personalized, and gun owners have the choice to change out sights and sets off. Same here. I own several safes, and none of them fit in my holster. the safety doesnt enter into it. Yes Sir I do and the ones scattered in the house also. The fact remains, we are always training. On Firefox for Windows, it just goes to the top of the page, but it will still get the newest comments. I have trained chambering on the draw and while it is less effective it still gives me options. To fire the pistol, the trigger safety and the trigger itself must be deliberately depressed at the same time. And I do not carry them ever. Eventually, revolver designs changed. The innovative design of the hybrid steel-polymer slide chambered in our first .22 caliber round provides a lightweight and low recoil functionality for optimal control. There is no way to put a round in the chamber without leaving the striker cocked, and there is no safety. As if every act of negligence is a deliberate act. Weight: 22.9 oz. Pray the opponent was just carrying a Taser and not a knife. Glocks have a trigger pull of 5-1/2 to 6 pounds. In reality, the 1911 with only the grip safety would be as safe or safer than the Glock. Modern revolvers (Smith & Wesson, Taurus, Ruger, Kimber) have transfer bar safeties and as such theres no need to mention it.. Do other people carry Glocks in IWB holsters with chambered rounds? I dont know how high Id have to go to get it to ignite, but I figure Im never going to carry my piece 8+ off the floor, (seeing as how thats the height of most ceilings). Some people were never meant to have a handgun I suppose. The Glock take down system is an accident waiting to happen and happen it does all the time. Beyond being "The Original" Glock, which won the company favor with the Austrians then the world, the Glock G17 is arguably the most popular Glock pistol model on the planet.. Me personally I carry a snap cap in the chamber, so if some lucky bastard grabs my gun and shoots hes about to be dead. Safe wise, I like the Homak #584 4 digit/code safe. That scenario is at least as plausible as a robbery. Point the holstered G19 downrange at a target and try to fire it without removing it from the holster. Is A Glock Safe To Carry Chambered. Yet, most of us will also admit that we sometimes make mistakes while driving, despite all the practice/training. I only know my own lifes experiences, fwiw, too many LEOs cant hit chit no matter what the tool, and Im an honorary. The Glock 17M and Glock 19X are two designs with Gen 5 features. He thinks. We do all make mistakes. Widen your horizons. sounds like bullshat urban legend.. One observation concerning all the keyboard commandos here they seem to make the assumption that people primarily carry guns in preparation for a gunfight, and this is not always true. I've never been to the range with you and I know . Ugggghhhhhh why are we still talking about this? It's offered in a wide range of cartridges, from .22LR to the .357 Magnum. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, troubleshooting, accessories, classifieds, and more! I always wanted to see in a western someone who knew he was about to get into a gunfight slip that 6th round into his Colt SAA. Want to vent about something? I submit extremely unlikely. The driving analogy is a good one, because we drive so much (most of us, anyway). I too have a P89. Am I being silly? Modern handguns are designed to be carried with a loaded chamber. On paper? They will not fire unless someone puts their finger on the trigger and squeezes. If my chamber is empty, I obviously increase the chances that my gun wont be useful when needed, but I also reduce the chance of a ND caused by a minor in my care. But Knute is fine, and nobody else seems to want it. Yep, if you havent actually ever been in a gunfight before you can shut the f#*k up about what or how I carry. Go peddle your homosexual fantasies elsewhere. Let the one with no traffic tickets throw the first stone. Next, there was some discussion about GLOCKs. Long story short, I let it be known that I thought carrying with an empty chamber is a mistake. The Glock handgun is the favored pistol of law enforcement agencies worldwide. She now after many painful operations will be a partial cripple for the rest of her life. I assume it had something to do with its mechanics. It comes down to your comfort, training and repetitive use. Barnum should have said, There is a Moron born every minute so I guess I will have to say it for him. But that would mean giving up my beloved 1911! I feel its foolish but its my thought. People who carry them are so rare that I felt like it wasnt worth mentioning, and Im probably still right. How often do you train your driving abilities?. KAER adhere to the business philosophy of customer first, service first, quality first, and provide our customers with high-quality products and perfect service.. We are a professional manufacturer dedicated to the production of gun safes, safe box, pistol safe and other security products. Bottom line: For *any* firearm, you have to *put your finger (or some other object) INTO the trigger guard to fire the weapon.*. Off the top of my head, I dont remember actually seeing that, but in The Shootist, John Wayne does mention it. Like what would happen if the gun was dropped, and then lands on its muzzle. Being a klutz is one thing. Now, what about those darn useless novelty CCH badges? Ive been known to knock over a glass of milk , spill my coffee down my chin , have people toot their horn at me from time to time , you get my point . At least the DA/SA or DAO provide a long hard trigger pull. There are some days (summer, mostly) when I carry the Walther PK380. You carry your way and Ill carry mine. In the case of the 43X, the barrel is 87mm or 3.41 inches long. The Glock handgun is the favored handgun of police worldwide. Glock dominates the handgun market in both the United States and around the globe. I want something that goes bang when I pull the trigger, and I could care less how heavy or gritty that might be. lol 15 in the clip one in the pipe. you are correct. Always, recent training with Instructor who suggested to always carry chambered. Clearly not enough to train for scenarios where chambering a round can be life or death.

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are glocks safe to carry chambered