benefits of knowledge in the bible

And, He has cleansed us from all our sins (1:9). in hope of eternal life, which God,who never lies,promisedbefore the ages began. Pure gold cannot be given in exchange for it. So, the benefits of being diligent to grow in godliness are fruitfulnessyou wont waste your life; and, assurance that God called and chose you to eternal life, as confirmed by your desire to be diligent to grow in godliness. We can rejoice in our salvation and in the fact that we have a God Who loves us unconditionally more than we can fathom. This page/post may contain affiliate links. Compare John 14:9 with what Paul said thirty years later look up Acts 9:4-6 and Philippians 3:10. Related: 11 Benefits That Come From Reading The Bible. Photo credit: Getty Images/Prostock-Studio. This collection of bible verses give insights into the value of . Learn how your comment data is processed. There is no need to be a weak, anaemic Christian. The same applies to the gifts of the Spirit; they work together for His glory and to build up His Kingdom. It will keep us from stumbling and falling away from the Lord. You cant find that anywhere but by reading scripture. The Biblical Benefits of Adding Knowledge In Your Life. What biblical criteria are there? One day as I was jogging in the woods, I asked the Lord one of those far beyond all you can ask or think prayers. Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it,But the discipline of fools is folly. There are many benefits of knowledge in the bible. Amazing benefits of having wisdom and knowledge When you embrace, promote, and exalt wisdom, you will get the amazing benefits of having wisdom and knowledge, which are: Honor but before honor is humility (Proverbs 15:33) Grace Glory Promotion Your steps will not be hindered You will not stumble (Proverbs 4:8-13) Coral and crystal are not to be mentioned; And the acquisition of wisdom is above that of pearls. Then in verses 5-7, he shows our responsibility to grow in godliness, as summarized by seven qualities that we are to add to our faith. There could be some of both here. But if his word of warning applied to some, they should take heed. Promises never to destroy the earth again by flood. It is mymeditation all the day.. Copyright 2015-2017 Kenny Gatlin Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Praying with and over scripture is incredibly effective and sometimes gives us the words when our own mind and heart fail us. It is written in His word that we are saved when we put our hope in Him. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.. Our burdens become lifted when we read of our God delivered others, throughout history, from defeat, hunger, death and more. In the present, growing in godliness will give us the joy of being useful and fruitful to the Lord, so that we dont waste our lives. I help to develop spiritual champions for end-time living. They had become virtually blind to what Christ had done for them in cleansing them from their sins. Yet many Christians are being destroyed because they have a lack of knowledge of God and His Word. (John 17:17). This means that we heard the gospel and God opened the eyes of our darkened understanding and imparted new life to us so that we believed in Christ (1 Pet. (. That emphasis continued through the Sunday school movement and the establishment of universities as religious institutions. This word describes our ability to observe, gain insight, and then discern in order to devise a plan or make a decision. That speaks of His good pleasure, of His guidance, of His blessing look up Numbers 6:24-26; Psalm 90:17; Proverbs 4:18 and 10:22. (2:11), The lips of the righteous feed many,But fools die for lack of understanding. And it is these things that not only cause us to grow spiritually, but also allows us to truly enjoy the blessings that God has for us. Its all in there. Swindoll's Living Insights Bible Commentaries. And to get understanding is to be chosen above silver. To be sure, in the aftermath . Verse 10 follows from and applies verses 8 & 9: Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you. Brethren shows that Peter is talking to Christians here. Spiritual gifts are often complemented by other gifts. You read in Romans 15:5-6 of Gods design that we are to work together as one for His glory. Certainly, daily Bible reading, study, and meditation are a good starting point. In other words, by knowing Him we become spiritually strong, virile, robust men and women - look up Ephesians 6:10. They willfully chose to ignore it. I hope this doesnt describe you, because diligence in the things of God is of critical importance. Through God's words we gain an understanding that God is the one who gives the gift of knowledge- that is an understanding or awareness of something. My soul melts away for sorrow;strengthen me according to your word!. Most of the Bible's verses that occur in Aramaic are in Ezra and Nehemiah, a linguistic occurrence that developed as a result of Israel's exile in Babylon. 2. It is a supernatural knowledge that manifests as a vision, dream, thought, voice, or feeling. As we see Gods love for people and that He doesnt want anyone to perish, we come to understand that winning hearts and minds for God is so important. For them, clear thinking held the key to success If you find it, then there will be a future. In chronological order for us, Gods calling comes first. Human knowledge can cause pride and grief (1 Corinthians 8:1b; Ecclesiastes 1:18), and worldly knowledge is often opposed to biblical truth (1 Timothy 6:20-21). In the future, the Lord will welcome us into His eternal kingdom, where we will dwell with Him in indescribable blessedness forever. Have you returned to God by receiving Christ as your own personal Saviour? The Christian attitude should be life-long learningThe more I learn, the more I realize how much I needto learn. The heart attitudes of humility and love should guide all intellectual pursuits and engagement. For I have never eaten anything common or unclean. And a voice spoke to him again the second time, What God has cleansed you must not call common. This was done three times. From 1977-1992 he was the pastor of Lake Gregory Community Church in Crestline, California. As a result, there are thousands of professing Christians who are not growing in godliness, but they think that they are eternally secure in Christ. Lets review the definitions of wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. If not, why not? God has intellect (Romans 11:34), and His universe was created with truth and logic. Totaling 269 verses, Aramaic is key language students of the Old Testament will need to master. What happens when people are ignorant of the knowledge of God, and why is knowledge important for Christ-followers? Your email address will not be published. and takethe helmet of salvation, andthe sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. It doesnt happen without deliberate, concentrated effort. The Bible actually says to let them be an ornament to grace your neck. And then, according to verse sixteen above, when you increase in knowledge, multiplication and increase in all of the other areas of your life are inevitable. 4:6), so that you have come to know Him, your life will show it. How, then, do we gain the assurance that God has called and chosen us? Peter encouraged believers to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. I also plan to become addicted to alcohol and drugs. Understanding, Whelchel says, is the ability to translate meaning from the facts. There are at least five reasons why knowledge and understanding are important for Christ-followers. God says to love Him with our whole being, including the mind. Understanding is a fountain of life to one who has it. However, if we give up and quit during these battles, it is because our strength is small. It is a supernatural knowledge that manifests as a vision, dream, thought, voice, or feeling. It increases our knowledge of God. Chartered Member of CIPD. Those with understanding can extract the meaning out of informationseeing the what, how, and whyenabling a person to produce life principles. This kind of knowledge is based on personal experience with a matter. 5. A wise man is strong,And a man of knowledge increases power. Parents are also encouraged to nurture their children in the Lord, which in the original language carries the meaning of training and instruction. Find guidance on how to proceed with your life in Jesus HERE. But, to put it positively, how can I be useful and fruitful in my Christian life? Our vision is to bring revival to Israel, the Church, and the nations through a deeper understanding and revelation of the power of covenant. Therefore, forgiveme of all my sins and come into my heart as my Lord and Saviour. The more we receive (hear, obey, live out) His Word, the more we shall know Him. In the Bible, the word knowledge first appears in Genesis. In light of these great benefits, be diligent to grow in godliness. What Bible verses remind you of the benefits of reading the Bible? All I knew was that God wanted me to have them. People who are ignorant are uninformed, unaware, or unwilling to learn. Learning more about Him and his commands will help us mature as believers. Psalm 34:18 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.". that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeedour fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.. Queen Sheba was amazed at what she heard and saw that there was no spirit in her. Benefits of Reading the Bible Daily. The more believers know of Gods Word, will and ways, the better they can instruct, mentor, and counsel. Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies. One of these things, as we see in the verse above, is that we are to add the knowledge of Gods Word to our lives. Seeking and gaining biblically based knowledge. God has a feast for us. But since Peter has talked about the true knowledge of Christ in reference to conversion (1:3), I understand him here (1:8) to be saying, If you have truly come to know the Lord Jesus Christ, you will be growing in godliness and seeking to be useful and fruitful in serving Him.. Pure gold cannot be given in exchange for it,Nor can silver be weighed as its price. The Bible is filled with Gods promises. That seems unrealistic, in that we all stumble in many ways (James 3:2). But Peter said, Not so, Lord! This is not to say that salvation is by works, but rather that genuine salvation always results in a life of growing godliness. We saw earlier in this article that understanding is the knowledge of the Holy One. A pastor is called by God to feed you the Word of God in such a way that you will increase in knowledge. We learn who God is. I am Patience Lancelot. Your faith will hold you and sustain you. The benefits of reading the Bible. We cannot even begin to discuss the wonders of King Solomon after God gave him wisdom and understanding in 1 Kings 3: 12. Without keeping the cross in view, you will drift into ungodly living and will waste your life in light of eternity. Just as in biblical days, there is a crisis of the Word of God in homes, communities, and places of worship today. As we begin to understand what is important to God, it also shapes our understanding of what is important for His kingdom and what He wants us to do. May the Holy Spirit guide you as you read. - then look up Colossians 2:6-7 and 2 Peter 3:18. We believe that honor is a force and we treat each person with a level of value and respect that allows us to take the role of a servant in the relationship. 2. Used by permission. It affirms how much God cares for you and brings supernatural peace and comfort to your soul. Check your email for your free Books of the Bible Overview! In verse 10, Peter brings together two things that we often separate: Gods sovereignty in calling and choosing us and our responsibility to be diligent to grow in godliness so that we grow in assurance about Gods calling and choosing us. Discipline and correct your children so that they too can get wisdom. Here are some other verses that remind us of how we should be longing for God and His Word. Also, we begin to find a new desire for the things which give Him pleasure look up Psalm 37:4. To learn more about my story and my walk with God, check out my story, ESVScripture quotations are from The ESV Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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benefits of knowledge in the bible