modoc plateau geology

It is in northeastern California about 50 km (31 mi) south of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Geologic guide to the Modoc Plateau and the Warner Mountains : annual field trip guidebook of the Geological Society of Sacramento, 1980. Surface fault rupture is not necessarily restricted to the area within an Alquist-Priolo Zone. Condado de Modoc, California, Estados Unidos The northeastern-most county in California with a total area of 4,203.37 square miles, but with a population under 10,000. SP026: Traveling America's loneliest road: A geologic and natural history tour through In the Triassic, the Paleozoic rocks of the Calaveras complex were heaved under the Shoo Fly complex by the Sonoma orogeny, which is preserved in roof pendants and country rock inclusions. Each of the proposed transfer properties are located within a seismically active region and could experience significant groundshaking and/or earthquake induced landslides resulting from displacement along one of the following Holocene Faults including the, McArthur, Mayfield, Pittville, Hat Creek, and Rocky Ledge faults. The Pastolla Muck, drained, 0 to 2 percent slopes and Pastolla muck, 0 to 1 percent slopes occupy a large portion of the area of the northern quadrants along the Tule River. The small Conejo field to the east of Camarillo was geologically unusual in that the reservoir rock is fractured volcanic rock from the Miocene. Chromite weathers out of peridotite in the Josephine ophiolite in Del Norte County and some beach placers close to Crescent City have up to seven percent chromite. An abundance of species are supported by high elevation meadows, parklands and forests: low-elevation dry forests, oak woodlands, cliffs and talus slopes, riparian corridors, and a variety of aquatic habitats. Examples include the Silverado Formation with 1400 feet of Paleocene terrestrial sedimentary rock in the Santa Anas or the Eocene Poway Formation near San Diego. Extensive marine and nonmarine sand deposits, generally near the coast or desert playas. Includes rhyolite at Owyhee Dam, Jump Creek Rhyolite, and Littlefield Rhyolite, all of Kittleman and others (1965); Dooley Rhyolite Breccia of Gilluly (1937), radiometrically dated at 14.7 0.4 Ma by potassium-argon methods (Fiebelkorn and others, 1983); resurgent domal masses in McDermitt caldera area; and extensive unnamed flows and ash-flow tuffs in the central and southern part of the Owyhee Upland. These areas contain a series of broad, relatively flat mid-elevation valleys that once supported a vast expanse of lakes and marshes that drained into the Klamath River. Additionally, when polygons have been edited and changed to alluvium, Qal was used as the general value; hence it now is present in all counties. Adherence to standard grading practices as required by the grading permit would ensure that the impacts from erosion would be less-than-significant. Examples of rock formations in the Franciscan subduction complex include the Calera limestone east of the San Andreas fault or the Laytonville limestone which extends north of San Francisco to Eureka. The oldest rock in this part of the range is the Santa Monica Slate. Sign in with your username (email address) and password. Up to 10,000 feet of sandstone and red shale deposited during the Eocene, after which sea levels dropped in the Oligocene preserved the sand, gravel and silt of the Sespe Formation. Virtually all of the islands in the bay are man-made from dredged sediments. Grizzly bears and gray wolves no longer occur in the ecoregion, however lynx and wolverines may occasionally visit the northernmost portions. The geomorphology of the Sierra Nevada is comparatively recent, dating to as recently as the Quaternary. They are very deep, poorly drained soils with slow permeability and a high shrink-swell potential (see TableVI-1). These soils are also basin soils and formed from alluvium derived from extrusive igneous rock. These soils are classified as having a moderate shrink-swell potential[1] and are classified as having a Capability Class rating of IV, due to the high hazard of erosion and they are not considered Prime Farmland. Soils located on the Ahjumawi Property consist of the Pastolla muck, 0 to 1 percent slopes, which are similar to those located along the Bowman Ditch, except that it is not artificially drained (NRCS, 2000). Therefore, the transfer would not expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death. Typical rock formations in the area include volcanic breccia, mud and ash flows, lava flows, lacustrine (lake) deposits, and cinder cone pyroclastic rocks. The Warner Basalt is the most common rock in the plateau, bordered by the Surprise Valley fault zone that first became active in the Miocene 15 million years ago. Unconsolidated to semiconsolidated lacustrine clay, silt, sand, and gravel; in places includes mudflow and fluvial deposits and discontinuous layers of peat. Andesite and dacite typically have plagioclase, hornblende, and clinopyroxene phenocrysts; some flows aphyric. Fossil plants and vertebrates indicate an Oligocene and Miocene age. Its landform is volcanic table land ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level, cut by many northsouth faults. Discovering the Colorado Plateau - Bill Haggerty 2021-04-01 The Colorado Plateau is America's western treasure, home to the country's highest concentration of national parks, monuments, wilderness areas, and state parks, and a near-endless bounty of wild, stunning landscape. Major uplift was going on in Pleistocene, with some marine terraces raised 1000 feet. Funding was provided to WDFW through a state wildlife grant from the United Many of these schists, like the Condrey Mountain schist are more resistant to erosion than other rocks close by. Most of the gold historically mined in California originated in the Mother Lode belt, located in the foothills of the western Sierras. Fossils are common in the marine rocks of the Pacific Beach and Mission Bay formation around San Diego. In addition to gold, platinum is sometimes found with gold placers. Oil drilling in the Wilmington field cause up to 30 feet of subsidence at the eastern end of Terminal Island between 1937 and 1958. Creating your LandScope profile is fast, free, and simple. The basement rocks of the Sierra Nevada date to the Paleozoic and include rocks in the Shoo Fly complex and Grizzly Formation. Twenty-five thousand feet of Jurassic marine sediments in the Sacramento Valley do not necessarily correspond exactly to the height of the mountains, but fist-sized cobbles in conglomerates from the Cretaceous suggest steep conditions and potentially higher altitudes than today. Project work may include post fire recovery efforts. The geologic information, particularly for the Klamath Mountains, Modoc Plateau, and northern Sierra Nevada, has been updated to reflect the more recent geologic understanding of these complex areas. Deep hydrothermal systems active in marine sedimentary rocks as they were being metamorphosed emplaced the gold. Includes deltaic gravel and sand and gravel bars, in pluvial lake basins in southeastern part of map area. On the McArthur Swamp property, grading activities involved with the construction and development of wetland habitat at the Hollenbeak and Ash fields would have the potential to cause accelerated erosion, unless proper erosion control measures are implemented. In the northern end of the county are notable Goose Lake, Tule Lake, and the three lakes of Surprise Valley. The Transverse Ranges extend from Point Arguello to Joshua Tree National Park, bounded by the San Andreas Fault to the north. Includes Picture Rock Basalt of Hampton (1964), radiometrically dated by potassium-argon methods as middle(?) This area lies along the northwestern-most flank of the Sierra Nevada Geomorphic Province. It is mostly interchangeable with Qal, except that it implies some specifically younger Quaternary deposits. Pillow structures from rapid cooling water indicate underwater volcanism that produced basalt, andesite and diabase flows during the Miocene. These soils formed in basins from fine-textured alluvium from extrusive and basic igneous rock. Significant regions of this sparsely populated county include the Modoc Plateau, Great Basin, Cascade Range and Warner Mountains. Locally includes resurgent domes related to caldera complexes. The Oldest Rocks: The Piedmont and Blue Ridge California Department of Conservation administers a variety of programs vital to California's public safety, environment and economy. Partly coeval with the Saddle Mountains Basalt of the Columbia River Basalt Group (Swanson and others, 1979), Thin, commonly open-textured (diktytaxitic), subophitic to intergranular olivine basalt flows, intercalated with and grades laterally through palagonite breccia and tuff into tuffaceous sedimentary rocks (unit Ts). The Josephine ophiolite forms the basement of the western Klamath Mountains, with extensive peridotite from the boundary between the oceanic crust and the mantle, as well as chromite and nickel deposits. Historically, fires occurred at irregular intervals from under 10 years in the lowland foothills to 150 years or more at high elevations. These soils are moderately deep, moderately well drained and have slow permeability. Geologic Guide to the Modoc Plateau and the Warner Mountains: Annual Field Trip Guidebook of the Geological Society of . Granite plutons emplaced during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, forming rock units like the Ironside Mountain diorite, which outcrops for 37 miles from the Orleans Mountain lookout tower to the line between Humboldt County and Siskiyou County or the Shasta Bally batholith at Buckhorn Summit west of Redding. Further, DPR is bound by its General Plan with respect to Burney Falls and must conduct a CEQA review for any activities which deviate from the approved plan. Sur Series schist, quartzite, marble, gneiss and granulite in the Salinian block likely deposited in a marine shelf late in the Paleozoic. Volcanism continued through the Holocene, forming the 300 foot thick basalts of the Cima Volcanic Field or the Barstow-Amboy axis of volcanic craters, which have protected underlying granite from erosion. The Modoc Plateau is characterized as a transitional region between the Basin and Range Geomorphic Province to the east and the Cascade Range Geomorphic province to the west and north. The Modoc Plateau lies in the northeast corner of California as well as parts of Oregon and Nevada. Levee improvements and associated road maintenance necessary for delivery of imported fill would also cause temporary disturbances to the topsoil surfaces. What people are saying - Write a review. Most of the ares sits at an elevation of between 4,000 and 6,000 feet. Broad valleys occupy the lowlands between the mountain ridges. They have a low shrink-swell potential, low to moderate water erosion hazard, and a low wind erosion hazard in bare areas (see TableVI-1). [21], Geology and geological history of California, San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay and Suisun Bay, Mercury and gold mining in the Coast Ranges, "Intro to Geology of the San Joaquin Valley",, This page was last edited on 2 April 2022, at 19:37. Plateau in the northeast corner of California, United States, List of plants on the Modoc National Forest, California Geologic Provinces, Note 36, page 2,, California placenames of Native American origin, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from May 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 23 August 2022, at 20:13. Sign In Skip to Main Content They have a Capability Class rating of II and are classified as Prime Farmland when properly drained and irrigated (NRCS, 2000). Technicians will serve vegetation management and fuels reduction efforts, supporting initiatives for healthy, productive, and resilient forest landscapes and resources. Areas along the northeastern shores of Big Lake are mapped as Recent Modoc basalt flows (CDMG, 1968). As indicated by PG&E in their PEA, wetland construction work will be completed under a USACOE Nationwide No. Without continuous dredging, San Diego Bay would fill with sediment and become dry land with deposition from the San Diego, Sweetwater and Otay rivers. During the Pleistocene, the mountains had a large number of glaciers and cirques and glacially-carved U-shaped valleys are remaining features from that time period. The color geologic road maps, based on the 2010 Geologic Map of California, are detailed and easy to read. Subsequently, sandstone and shale deposited while the region was still underwater. This produced major crustal stretching, volcanism and displacement of up to 125 miles. Includes older alluvium and related deposits of Piper (1942), Willamette Silt (Allison, 1953; Wells and Peck, 1961), alluvial silt, sand, and gravel that form terrace deposits of Wells and others (1983), and Gresham and Estacada Formations of Trimble (1963). The east side of the Warner Mountains in particular has exposed rock in the many canyons, including finds of petrified wood and assorted gemstones. The Modoc Plateau has a diverse geography, with portions draining into closed basins such as Goose Lake and Surprise Valley, and most of the remainder draining into the Pitt River, a tributary of the Sacramento River. In all, 20 oil fields are located in the Santa Barbara Channel, with one of the largestthe Dos Cuadras fieldfound in 1968, although a major spill on January 18, 1969, hampered interest in the field. Locally a late Hemingfordian age indicated by mammalian fauna (Woodburn and Robinson, 1977). Hill*s work, however, is of little value in understanding the areal . Identify Priority Places: A Practitioner's Guide, Cumberlands and Southern Ridge and Valley, Willamette Valley-Puget Trough-Georgia Basin. The transfer property within the State Park is located on two constituent soil types. Additionally, borate deposited during arid conditions, with mining after 1926. The southern portion of the McArthur Swamp property is comprised of numerous soil mapping units, which include the Cupvar, Whipp, Pittville, Dugan, and Graven soil series. flow of the Modoc Plateau exposed in a road cut about 4 miles northeast of Alturas on Highway 395. The plateau is capped with scattered small, young cinder cones and basalt flows. Therefore, a less-than-significant impact is expected. Finally, the Modoc Plateau, a volcanic table ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 feet (1,200 to 1,800 m) in elevation, separates the Medicine Lake Highlands in the west from the Warner Mountains in the east, covering roughly 1,000,000 acres (400,000 ha) of the forest. Gold appears in quartz veins that cut through slate, siltstone and shale originating in the Shasta Bally batholith. The soils are very deep, well drained soils with moderately slow permeability and have a moderate shrink-swell potential (see Table VI-1). The 7.6 magnitude 1952 Kern County earthquake was one of the most powerful in California in the 20th century. Commonly flow banded; locally glassy. By contrast, the Trinity ophiolite is found in the east, known for its numerous ultramafic rocks and being one of the most extensive ophiolites in the US. In Washington and the rapidly developing areas around Bend in Oregon, timber companies have recently begun to sell their lands in the mid-elevation forest and transition zones to developers. [Age is early Tertiary (Eocene).] It is also known for scores oflava-tubecaves and for well-preserved young volcanic features. Volcanic eruptions in the Miocene between 9.5 and 3.5 million years ago filled old eroded canyons in parts of the Sierras with lava flows. Numerous lakes, reservoirs and marshes characterize the East Cascades, providing exceptional habitat for waterfowl, shorebirds and wading birds, aquatic mammals, amphibians, fish, aquatic plants and invertebrates. The thick Galice formation slate and metamorphosed greywacke overlie the Josephine ophiolite and likely deposited in a deep ocean environment offshore of the island arc. The rocks of eastern California formed a shallow continental shelf, with massive deposition of limestone during the Paleozoic, and sediments from this time are common in the Sierra Nevada, Klamath Mountains and eastern Transverse Range. The Seismic Hazards Mapping Act was developed to protect the public from the effects of strong groundshaking, liquefaction, landslides, or other ground failure, and from other hazards caused by earthquakes. These soils have a Capability Class rating of III to IV, due to erosion hazards and are not considered to be Prime Farmland (NRCS, 2000).

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modoc plateau geology