pisces moon and libra moon compatibility

Since it fits nicely into any social moulds, the person who has Sun and Moon in Pisces and Libra signs shows the great elasticity of its spirit that allows it to engage in every social group, to accept the mode of the moment. Because they are very creative, they can sometimes fantasize a little more than necessary. Capricorn Moon Compatibility Pisces Sun Libra Moon as a Friend. Pisces (Feb. 18 . If your moon sign is Scorpio, you are a person with intense emotions - to say the least. Although Scorpio is known for its passion and fidelity, the Libra Moon's suspicious nature might make it difficult to find a partner. Capricorn Moons give their all to developing their relationships. Magenta Pink is Hot Your Moon signs are trine. Your passivity and gentleness is direct contrast to Moon Aries bossiness. See Also: In addition to Women's Health, her work and writing has been featured in The Today Show, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, and InStyle. You share only a little bit from a feeling aspect. Both of you are very, very sensitive, but the difference between you is this: Scorpio will hold onto hurt feelings and may harbor unexpressed resentments, jealousies, secret fears, and guilt for a long, long time. The Taurus Moon shows someone who is kind, focused, and responsible. Fire moons will get along well with other fire moons, and even air moons, but earth and water can put fire out. We'll wait.). Scorpio might find your passiveness annoying while you can find them aggressive. These two will always make time for the other. It takes a lot of stability, security, and confidence in a relationship for someone with the moon sign in Capricorn to feel happy, and truly fulfilled. The Moon also represents how we give affection and demand love from others. Both value building a strong foundation and creating a home life together. While Leo is hot-blooded and Aquarius is emotionally aloof, theyre able to find a middle ground that unifies them. Her caring nature makes you feel secure. These will compound to your moodiness and nothing will be accomplished. Pisces is more passive than Sagittarius, but both of you are impractical. For a romantic Pisces moon compatibility to work, Moon Libra has to pay attention to things. Both of you are dreamy, romantic, receptive, and strongly affected by others emotions and the emotional tone of your surroundings. Fellow air signs Gemini Moon and Aquarius Moon are also great communicators. This positioning shows someone who is absolutely affectionate, loving, and extremely attached to family ties. But if Leo is feeling negative, this is very debilitating to Pisces. This is the most emotional trio, but among all three of them, Pisces moon is considered the most empathetic natal placement. Your Moon signs indicate that you are extremely compatible. Libra is a warm, affectionate person who needs people, especially a very close, loving partner to share life with. United States But you are emotionally different. Moon in Cancer means emotion to the skin always. Pisces tends to be a bleeding heart, while Capricorn tends to be somewhat suspicious or hard toward people who are in unfortunate circumstances Capricorn doesnt want to get involved unless they are friends. Moon Aries will struggle to give up dominating you, and you will have to learn how to make decisions. They have a good mind for numbers and logic but this doesn . Still very in love. Pisces, you can be impractical and lack self-direction, in contrast, to Moon Taurus grounded and practical character. It is part of what is called the 'big three', alongside the Sun and Moon signs. This makes you a natural fit for fellow fiery Moon signs Leo and Sagittarius, as well as air sign Gemini Moon. . Pisces, you might have to learn how to give and take and have some boundaries, which are not bad traits to have. Libra is ruled by Venus (Love) and Pisces is ruled by Jupiter (Luck) and Neptune (Illusions). Gemini is also something of a comedian, and must be careful not to make fun of something Pisces is sensitive about. This partnership can be beneficial for the both of you, but you will have to work hard to achieve it. Compatibility Rating: (See color codes below). You are in love with love. The Moon in Pisces shows very creative, dreamy, optimistic people who live in the famous moon world. Sagittarius, on the other hand, does not take everything so personally and can be very blunt and insensitive at times. Moon in Libra. Register and search over 40 million singles: voice recordings. Moon in Pisces couple are both dreamy so nothing can be done, and when you are emotionally down, your partner is affected. Aquarius- With a moon in Pisces you are likely to be an empathetic, intuitive, idealistic dreamer who is creative, romantic, and at . Moon Libra-Moon Capricorn. And this makes sense. You might be different, but with work, you can be a well matched couple, even though you are not very compatible with each other. If you have a Scorpio Sun-Libra Moon man in your life, he is a person who values his job. With Virgo, intellect often rules emotions, but with Pisces, feelings dominate. Lacking self-direction and good boundaries, this Pisces moon sign compatibility is generous to a fault and will end up on the losing end. In a relationship, they vibe well with Libra Moon, Sagittarius Moon, and Aquarius Moon. You are different in personality and the way to do things. Your Moon signs indicate that you have conflicting desires however there is still a great deal of romance and desire between you. Your individual emotional dispositions are similar enough to understand, and different enough to be exciting. Pisces is an emotional, sensitive, and compassionate sign, while Virgo is analytical and pragmatic. While Pisces, you prefer a partner that is either give or take. This content is imported from poll. (Don't know yours? Libra Moon likes sex because it likes doing things with a partner and likes knowing that it is attractive. Though you both feel very deeply, you may not be very articulate about your feelings and inner experiences. You have a very sympathetic rapport with one another, and you may get so enmeshed with each other that it is hard for you to tell whether you are feeling your own emotions and responses, or those of your partner. Essentially, your temperaments and emotional responses are different enough to need compromises. People who were born at the time the Moon was in Aries are adventurous, extremely enthusiastic, and excited about their love lives. Such an accommodating Moonsometimes to her own detrimentshe is good with many different energies. Each of you may find that you have just enough of the stuff that the other needs to make you feel complete, though the Libra Moon may have to learn to be careful with the sensitivity of the Pisces Moon. Aquarius is too cool, emotionally detached, and mental to suit Pisces sometimes. Also, Pisces has a strong need for closeness and sympathy, and is often very dependent on loved ones, while Aries prefers to be (or at least acts) self-reliant and independent. Libra Moon & Libra Moon. Finding a middle ground will create a unique relationship that is strong enough, because you get along well at base level. Choose your partners Moon sign from the form above, or scroll down to see Moon sign matches with Moon in Pisces. Libra Moons are diplomatic, social, and clear-thinking about their emotions. Thats why anyone who has Aries Moon is often a born leader who likes to lead every relationship in their life - be it professional or personal. Sagittarius Moons are curious, adventurous, and friendly. Pisces is a bit of a dreamer or drifter and is far less practical, organized, efficient, and ambitious about material matters than Capricorn is. Pisces you have to be honest in your dealings, but once you cross that bridge, your relationship will be stronger. When they love, they love for real. So, their ideal partner is someone from Gemini, Libra, or some Aquarian. Thus a pattern may develop between you where Leo is running the show and Pisces constantly obliges or acquiesces to Leos wishes. You take things personally, while your lover does not, and might not understand your feelings well. Pisces Moon & Libra Moon. 12. Both of you are highly receptive and sensitive to the emotional tone surrounding you. Both put in the effort to make their partnership strong and lasting. As friends, this love compatibility is cool, but longer relationships face problems. Pisces needs a container, and Libra, like Taurus and Capricorn, makes a great one. And just because they are so family-bound, people with a Cancer Moon will be great parents and feel totally fulfilled when they can finally form a family. Aries- Aries might have to learn temper control, and remember not to be bossy when it comes to decision making. When you have a specific wish in mind, there is a suitable . When your partner lets you down, you cannot cope and will have a breakdown. The good traits of Sun in Libra and Moon in Pisces: - unable to be alone, indecisive, lack of self-esteem, lack of confidence, lack of self-love and self-appreciation, prone to manipulation and deception, etc. Moon in Libra brings in characteristics like sociable, polite, and very friendly. First, Sagittarius Moon and Cancer Moon understand each others thirst to try new thingsespecially when it comes to food. Your emotional rhythms and temperaments are rather different. The Phase of the Moon You Were Born Under Matters, What to Do if Your Sun Signs Arent Compatible, All About Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. They are also people who care about how they look, both their own and their boyfriends. Libra Moon Compatibility with Leo Moon. These Signs are quite compatible due to the feminine energies of Venus and Neptune working in tandem. It is the sign rising on the eastern horizon during the time an individual is born. These are people who, too, have a keen instinct and are very perceptive. Libra and Pisces Compatibility. The placement of the moon on your astral chart shows your moon sign in relation to many other factors, and thats the same way it works for other people. astrawrlogy: You can also replace either one with your dominant sign. You value harmony, and will swallow the hurt to avoid conflict. A sympathetic, sensitive Cancer, intense Scorpio, or a creative Pisces sun sign makes the most positive impression on you. . Astrology is not destiny, so while the two of you might not be a . Zodiac Compatibility Are You Romantically Compatible. Together the two . At the same time, a Sagittarius Moon shakes up a Libra Moons comfort zonein a positive way. There are also few differences between you two. You have much to learn from each other. You are pacifist who will go along, but will feel hurt by criticism. They make great friends as well as lovers. Leos basic emotional tone is vibrant, sunny and warm, while Piscess is dreamy and moody. People who have Libra Sun Pisces Moon in their birth chart have a sensitive, creative, and compassionate personality. Cancer Moon also clicks with another water sign, Pisces Moon. Moon Libra is less emotional, and more rational; while you thrive on emotional roller-coasters. Your relationship is very intense. Loud and boisterous, Leo Moon can disrupt the calmness that Pisces you value. Theyll get super deep, super fast. You are both very intuitive and psychically receptive, and you sense what is going on inside others even when they try to hide it. Gemini Moon Compatibility General characteristics. Typically when thinking about moon sign compatibility, the twins note, it's helpful to think about the elements. Therefore, you need partners who share this desire with, which may be other Cancerians, in addition to Pisces and Scorpios. Pink is Opposites Attract! There is a strong domineering or controlling aspect to Leos character as well, which makes Leo something of a household tyrant at times. Pisces and Libra compatibility score: 3/5. With an opposite moon, in the form of an Aries moon, it could provide a balanced perspective to understanding your own emotions from an opposing . It is fun finding out how much you can learn about yourself AND your partner by reading this guide. Both the signs are totally opposite and that . Aries Moons are known to be assertive, temperamental, and bold. Susan wrote every word, and the entire guide comprises 65,000 words. Aries and Gemini Moons have a lot to talk about, which means that they'll connect over . Pisces Moon compatibility. Capricorn Moon is self-sufficient, while the Fish lack self-direction. Planets. Both of you have mood swings and you are both capricious. People having a Pisces moon are least compatible with fire signs, in general, because . Escaping into solitude, fantasy and imagination (or more negatively, drinking or drug use) may be a habit with both of you. Aquarius questions Piscess hunches and emotional or psychic impressions. Look for a sensitive partner like a Cancer, an intense Scorpio, or a Piscean as creative as you are. Scorpio Moons also get along well with Capricorn Moons because both signs know that hard work is necessary to succeed in life. You are empathetic to a fault, meaning you can be taken advantage easily. Once you find a balance, things can run smoothly, despite your massive differences. Your sensitivity harmonizes with Taurus emotionally reserved personality, while the bull loves to be appreciated, and you do that wonderfully. They will always create their fantasy world where they can escape. They're both always improving themselves and the world around them. If Pisces, you and Aries pull this moon sign compatibility off, you have to learn to have more self-direction, and assertiveness. The Gemini moon sign is associated with change as it is ruled by Mercury. Light Purple is Harmonious Your Moon signs are sextile. The Geminis need to be careful if they are thinking about getting in a relationship with Scorpio or Capricorn. Scorpio Moon Compatibility You are both loving and sympathetic, and share a love of the natural world and music. Your Sun sign reflects your ego, determination, and aspirations, but your Moon sign signifies your innermost thoughts. It is easy for a Gemini to collaborate with an . Therefore, having a relationship with someone from the Moon in Sagittarius means being with someone upwards, who cheers you up in any situation. Libra has a highly developed sense of balance, proportion, and symmetry, and naturally seeks order. You absorb the moods of the people around you, and are prone to take on others troubles or emotions, sometimes not even knowing what your own true feelings are and what you have picked up from someone else. Check Out: MysticCompatibility.com Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved |. That is, they have a great time with friends and are not ashamed, but prefer to preserve their feelings and emotions for themselves until they completely trust the people around them. It's the part of ourselves that we feel on a deep, instinctual level. Pisces Compatibility With Each Zodiac Sign (love and friendship) Here Is Your 2018 Career Outlook Based On Zodiac Sign; The Angel Number 1212 . You also share a love of the natural world; gardening, plants, and animals. If your moon sign is Cancer it means that you are extremely emotional, sensitive, and highly value love. Aries and Aquarius moon sign compatibility, for instance, could cause some turmoil. Loved this! Conversation, companionship, togetherness, and being half of a tight couple are very important to Libra. Moon Virgo can be a perfectionist and critical about everything. In the end however, it may be difficult for both of you to maintain your sweet loving nature for each other; you may end up finding fault with each other's own sweet ways. In a relationship, they work well with Cancer Moon, Aquarius Moon, and Pisces Moon. Aquarius needs intellectual stimulation and companionship, and is rather uncomfortable with excessive displays of feeling and Piscess emotionality in general. They're an excellent fit for Taurus Moon, Scorpio Moon, and Aquarius Moon. Your virtue is kindness, and you may not have learned to say "no" yet. They vibe well with Aries Moons, Capricorn Moons, and Pisces Moons. Moon Capricorn has a serious and responsible Earthy nature, while you Pisces is dreamy and disorganized. Together, you either lose yourself in positive escapism like music and art, or negative methods like drugs. Most compatible with: Gemini Moon, Leo Moon, and Sagittarius Moon. Libra is typically a Moon sign of charm, tact, and elegance. A Pisces sun + Libra moon pairing has its pros and cons. They can be melodramatic, leaving you feeling victimized as you are naturally sympathetic. Though you have very different emotional natures, you complement and harmonize with one another very well. Pisces Sun Libra Moon: Aquarius Pisces Sun Scorpio Moon: Taurus Pisces Sun Sagittarius Moon: Sagittarius, Taurus Pisces Sun Capricorn Moon: Cancer Pisces Sun Aquarius Moon: Cancer Pisces Sun Pisces Moon: Capricorn I hope some of you can find that sign that would be very compatible with your combination through this thread . A significant difference between you is that Pisces has a very thin skin and is easily hurt by criticism or unkindness. For the relationship to work, you both might have to return to reality. And just as they want financial stability, they also want emotional and personal stability - they like to follow the routine. Their intuition and intellectual abilities are unmatched. People with Moon in Aquarius need to beware of the urge for sudden change, authoritarianism, and excessive stubbornness - especially in love relationships. Moon in Libra brings in characteristics like sociable, polite, and very friendly. Best traits: empathetic, kind and intuitive, Worst traits: dependent, unmotivated in life, reliant. They can converse together endlessly and respect each other's ideas. Virgo is factual, organized and efficient in dealing with material affairs, with an eye for details. Libra Moon compatibility. You can be wishy-washy and somewhat impressionable. Indeed, for those who've tried and failed to find the right man offline, internet dating can provide. A Pisces or Virgo is not compatible with Gemini. Moon Leos narcissism can make you feel neglected. Pisces is a Moon sign of sensitivity, gentle sympathy and respect. Pisces, you and Moon Leo feel that home and family are important, but that is the only similarity you both share. Most compatible with: Aries Moon, Leo Moon, and Sagittarius Moon. Both Moon signs indicate highly creative peopleboth love a concert or art show date. Although you may like the same things, you appreciate them differently. Its very challenging to understand each others styles of expressing feelings, and clashes are frequent. Aries is direct and confrontational and can be quite irritated with Piscess vagueness, over-sensitivity, and tendency to seek escape or avoid conflict. Even though you are attracted to each other due to your similarities, the differences may lead to the downfall of a potentially long lasting moon sign love match. 'Libra' Sun 'Pisces' Moon in Love and Marriage. Capricorn also ignores or downplays emotions in general, and has a rather serious, sober, no-nonsense attitude towards life. A Virgo Moon will make a Pisces Moon face the music, no matter how hard the mutable water sign tries to resist it. Possession and lack of emotional control have no place around here. As adults, Moon is Pisces people may find it challenging to find a solid base in life. Finally, Aquarius Moons and Capricorn Moons bond over their serious views of life. Virgo is drawn to this quality of unconditional, uncritical acceptance in Pisces, and Pisces can benefit from Virgos sense of order, clarity and simplicity. Together, you have a nurturing home. Libra Moon and Leo Moon are fairly well matched. Also, Pisces is rather chameleon-like, emotionally speaking, and is strongly influenced by the emotional atmosphere and inner feelings of others in the environment, so when Leo is up, the warmth and optimism raises Piscess mood considerably. Care must be taken that these characteristics do not take over the whole personality. Sometimes not feeling the balance makes you upset. Pisces Moon you are sensitive souls, in Moon sign astrology. Neither of you will be able to move on from the spiral of sadness. Finally, a Taurus Moon and a Pisces Moon make a great couple. Both Virgo Moons and Taurus Moons are homebodies who value their routines and self-care rituals. Most compatible with: Virgo Moon, Libra Moon, and Pisces Moon. Cancer is a Moon sign of emotional sensitivity, they have good intuition and a nurturing instinct; Pisces is a Moon sign of gentleness, syumpathy and a careful sense of protection of others. Taurus Moons are known for their pleasure-seeking and stable sensibilities, which makes them an ideal partner for Cancer Moon, Virgo Moon, or Pisces Moon. Aquarius Moon and Libra Moon will get along terrifically. air signs such as Gemini or Libra can also be great matches by providing . The Rising sign, or Ascendant, is one sign that we must take note to understand ourselves. Aquarius, on the other hand, needs involvement in the world and enjoys being in the flow of contemporary life. Most compatible with: Cancer Moon, Gemini Moon, and Scorpio Moon. Libra and Pisces Compatibility: Sex and Love Compatibility. Aquarius Moon Compatibility A man that has Sun in Libra and the Moon in Pisces can be seen as the man who lives in a confusion of dreams and reality, or in a world that is clearer if the differences are less illusory. To create a stronger relationship, Moon Taurus has to look after the practical aspect of things, which may cause some friction long term. Both of you are peace-loving and need a harmonious, non-competitive atmosphere in your home. Cancerians are also extremely loyal and protective of their close-knit circle, sticking by their friends through thick and thin. If you are able to have some direction, this Pisces moon relationship might improve. The mood of a man who has this lunar combination is changeable and oscillates from exaltation to remorse, from self-confidence to discouragement. 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pisces moon and libra moon compatibility